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Category Template generation


Disambiguator is a module to disambiguate class, properties and resouces within the output of Templator.

Each URIs depends on knowledge base what we use.

Then SPARQL query would be generated from the output of Disambiguator and Templator using QueryGenerator.


Disambiguator is a module to disambiguate class, properties and resouces within the output of Templator.

For instance, the sentence "Which rivers flow through Seoul?",

Disambiguator detects entities using FOX (rivers, flow, Seoul) and disambiguates entities using AGDISTIS. (class:river, dbo:city, res:Seoul)

Scope and limit

Currently (March, 2016), Disambiguator works for only English. FOX and AGDISTIS-en are used.

Also, now Disambiguator identifies entitis within DBpedia URIs only.

Issues and discusion

Is it work for Korean also?

Not yet (January 13, 2016, OKBQA3.5). We have developed AGDISTIS-ko for Korean to disambiguate entities, which has exactly same I/O as well as AGDISTIS.

However, there are some remaining works. please refer bellow section.

This task would be a one of major tasks at OKBQA4(http://4.okbqa.org)

Do you want to develop Korean Disambiguator?

If you want, there are two remaining development issue.

1. The NER module including this processe: NER and generate the output as well as the input of AGDISTIS-ko.

2. The Wrapper module:

Input: Templator output

Output: Disambiguator output


Maintainer: Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo {ngonga@informatik.uni-leipzig.de}

For information about Korean Disambiguator, please contact Younggyun Hahm {hahmyg@kaist.ac.kr}

Maintainer hahmyg@kaist.ac.kr
Source-code URL https://github.com/okbqa/agdistis-disambiguation
Homepage URL
Web service URL http://ws.okbqa.org:2357/agdistis/run
Sample cURL command curl -G --data-urlencode 'data=_sample_input_' _ws_url_ Test
Sample input
Sample output