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Korean DM

Category Disambiguation

# Description

Korean DM is the first version of Korean Disambiguation Module.
It uses pre-defined attributes and ELU to disambiguate property & entities

# Function

Korean DM find corresponding entities and properties from the output of TGM.
Based on the given information it tried to find the best matching for verbalized variables.
The result is returned as three categories (properties / classes / entities) with its variables.

# Scope and limit

Korean DM only disambiguates properties and entities.
It does not work for finding correct classes at the moment.
The program would be updated to handle lexicaly associated properties, and filter properties that could not make result according to the given template

# Language Dependency

It only supports Korean text. (July 21, 2016, OKBQA4).

Maintainer: Jeong-uk Kim {prismriver@kaist.ac.kr}
Maintainer prismriver@kaist.ac.kr
Source-code URL https://github.com/Jeong-uk/okbqa_korean_dm
Homepage URL
Web service URL
Sample cURL command curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '_sample_input_' Test
Sample input
Sample output